2005 |
Lauren Asks
I have had my 16 yr. old Arabian quarter horse for about
4 years now. When I bought her she was kind of a "just
for fun"; horse, until I started getting serious about
showing. In four years i have taken her from not placing
to getting firsts at 95% of our shows. Last year, we had
a confused jump spot and went sliding into a fence, and
after that she lost all confidence. I decided to join
4-h for a little extra practice jumping in the show
ring, and she's excelled beyond belief. However, well I
was there I was looking at the western pleasure horses
and I'm very interested with it. I have my horse to a
nice quiet jog. However, when i ask for the lope, she
well only 3 beat for a very very short time and it is
often not very slow. when I try to bring her back to me,
she tosses her head up and stops. I love her to death
but getting really frustrated! Please Help!
thank you,
lauren and polo
Judge Anne Johnson's Reply
Hi Lauren,
Congratulations on all of your success with Polo. It
sounds as if it is the job she likes the most. I'm the
first one to say anything is possible but it would be
unusual to take horse from success in show jumping to
western pleasure. Usually they are built quite
differently for their jobs. Plus, your mare is 16.
Since she has a nice jog and will lope for a few
strides, I would suggest doing just that in a round pen.
Jog, transition to the lope for two or three strides,
ask for the jog. Polo is probably more used to
long strides for jumping and gets anxious or physically
uncomfortable for what you are asking for right now. And
your seat and riding position might not be quite western
yet either.
Actually, I have a client right now with a similar
horse. This mare actually could go to a show in walk
trot western pleasure but loping or cantering slow is
just about impossible for her because of her jumping
background and large frame. So, as another option, you
might walk trot classes and see how it goes.
Good luck and thanks for giving me such good
Anne Johnson |
Millie Asks
I am a 50+ rider just entering the showing world with my
10 yr. Arabian gelding after being a 4-H show mom for
I am doing hunt seat with him, but would like to show
him halter. I cannot find out what I am supposed to be
wearing to do this! He has a well-fitting show halter so
he is set. I see exhibitors in hunt seat clothes, sweats
[shudder], and a few in blazers. IS there a apparel? I
took him in our first class in a "C" show with what I
thought would be okay, but felt my Western showmanship
outfit [minus the hat] should have stayed in the
trailer. We've done our work and are prepared to show, I
just want to look "correct" while doing it. What would a
judge want to see...I just want to be able to move
easily and not show my arms to the elbows when I set him
Thank you for any help you can give me!
Judge Anne Johnson's Reply
Hi Millie--
Way to go! It's great after all those 4H years that now
you are getting into the show ring.
There aren't any specific rules on your attire for
showing Arabian halter. I think it's important to wear
something you feel comfortable in and something that
compliments your horse. No glaring distractions.
I've seen people wear beige or yellow with a grey horse,
for example, and it makes the horse look dull and dirty.
Sometimes, when people lift their arms to show the
horse, their top is too short and they are showing a lot
of skin, too!
Black slacks and boots/shoes are always a good bet.
Sweaters, jackets, blazers with some color are all good,
too. Neat hair, number pinned securely, good accent
jewelry all complete the picture. Unless you are showing
a stock type horse with a heavier halter, I would stay
away from the western showmanship look. If a horse is
shown hunter, braided with a bridle in showmanship (and
there are adult showmanship classes), then wear your
hunt outfit.
Hope you have years of fun!
Anne Johnson
Mel Asks
I have a 2 yr old palomino QH with an amazing mane
and tail. The long, thick, and stark white kind! I plan
on showing all around with her, especially reining and
western pleasure. I have always traditionally pulled and
banded, but I really don't want to with this mare. Is it
against "the rules" at stock horse shows (like APHA &
AQHA) to leave the mane long? Also, do you think it will
cause any decrease in appeal for her in a western
pleasure or showmanship class?
Thank you!
Judge Anne Johnson's Reply
Hi Mel
Keep it long and beautiful!
And if anyone wonders, you can point out all of those
great reining and working horses that have it just the
same way. There is a point that it can get too long or
too heavy and distract from the appearance or cause
safety issues (horse steps on tail). So you have to
exercise some judgment and plenty of care. I'll bet you
are going to have a great time showing her!
Anne Johnson |
Sara Asks
Hi my name is Sara and I have a six year old American
Saddlebred Mare. This is the first year I have really
shown her. I ride her huntseat because she doesn't seem
to have to motion for saddleseat. I'm wondering what the
judges are looking for in a hunt seat saddlebred. Some
judges seem to really like there head set longer and
lower and some cranked right up in a frame. My mare is
about in between and didn't know what direction I should
go with her.
Thanks Sara
Judge Anne Johnson's Reply
Hi Sara
I think hunter pleasure and hunt seat equitation are
overall two of the most poorly judged classes. (Not that
I have a strong opinion on the subject!) So I understand
your confusion.
You seem to understand what your mare can and cannot do
and that's a great start. Think about what a hunter
should be able to do---long sweeping strides to go cross
country, range of motion to jump. If a horse has its
head all cranked up, it can do neither. The head and
neck serve as a balance for movement.
Focus on what is correct and what is specified in the
show rules and not on what a judge might want. In your
training, make sure your horse is supple, responsive,
drives from the hindquarters, performs the transitions
and gaits to the best of her ability. Choose judges that
have a reputation for knowing the difference. Then
you'll do just fine.
Thanks for your question,
Anne Johnson
Emily Asks
Hi my name is Emily. I've just started riding hard core
about 2 years ago. I'm 15 now but started riding at the
age of two. I am training a 6 year old Polish Arabian
now and i seem to have my hands full. He was doing great
at first, but now he barely lets me put his bridle on
and he cringes once i throw the saddle up on him. I love
him to death but I can't seem to handle his roudiness
anymore, he's thrown me off a couple times, injuring my
head and back. What can I do to calm him down to make
him rideable, without making me injured for life?? Also
he is extraordinarily fast and I want to do speed with
him, but its his first year, should i take the chance on
him becoming hot??? Please help me!!!
Judge Anne Johnson's Reply
When situations like this develop, I think you need to
objectively consider the source of the problem. Is it
physical, training, or attitude?
First, find out if the cause is physical (needs work on
teeth, sore back, lameness, etc.). Horses respond in the
way you described because they are trying to get away
from pain.
Training--maybe he has been rushed in his training or
does not understand what you want. Maybe you are not
communicating correctly with him. In "loving him to
death" you may have spoiled him so that he does not
respect you. Horses are not pets.
Go back and examine what originally was working when he
was going good and then what changed and when and you
might have your answer. With issues like this, I have my
students start over from the ground up. Slowly. That can
mean respect, responsiveness and calmness from the very
basics of leading, lunging, tying, stall manners, etc.
If it's an attitude or training problem, it generally
shows up right there. My students don't get back on the
horse until everything on the ground is going perfectly.
Often, it is simply the way they have been communicating
with the horse.
Once you start riding him again, take it slow and keep
training sessions short, productive, positive and a
happy experience for both of you. So you both will be
looking forward to the next time!
Good luck,
Anne Johnson
Roberta Asks
I went to a horseshow last month and couldn't believe what
I saw: professional trainers smiling and looking for the
judge while riding, I thought only students did that.
That is distracting and I am sure the judge did not like
it. As a judge, do you like when riders are constantly
watching where you are?
Judge Anne Johnson's Reply
Dear Roberta,
The judge has a responsibility to stay away from arenas
and show grounds prior to judging and during breaks
should be sight unseen. Courteous smiles and hellos are
fine but beyond that, it can become a problem. And for
those exhibitors who persist in "showing" their horse
before the show, well, it also gives the judge a chance
to observe the faults, too!
I started showing AQHA when I was 8 I was on the
congress team every year until I was 16 I got out of
showing when I got married . my husband and I have
recently purchased a great impressive bred gelding, I am
training him myself, the problem I'm running into is the
inconsistency in what the judges want. I have gone to
some shows to see what has changed, some places not much
as far as the horse is different but in others it is,
also I have seen women in some very inappropriate
clothing any help would be great i would hate to break
and train the little guy only to have to change it all.
Judge Anne Johnson's Reply
Frustrating isn't it?
Years ago, a friend of mine had a daughter competing in
a beauty pageant. The trend was overdone pastel gowns
and equally over done big hair. In the finals, her
daughter came in with a very simple black gown, a soft
hair style and small ruby earrings. She won the contest
hands down.
I love that story.
When it comes to choosing show ring attire, always
select something that you feel good in and compliments
you and your horse. You'll show better. Sometimes you'll
see people showing in things that went out of style in
1963 and you wonder if they have seen a horse show since
then. So don't go to that extreme either!
As far as preparing your horse, know the written rules,
class specifications and breed standards and show
accordingly. Trends can get crazy. Judges can have a
bias or simply be wrong. Go with what is correct and
what your horse can do. Select the shows and judges that
have a record of getting it correctly, too.
If you are doing it right, don't change to go with the
crowd or what a particular judge wants that day. And
don't quit...enjoy getting your horse out there!
Anne Johnson
I was wondering if you had any tips on slide stops. Do
you want to back up after every stop. I have an Arabian
mare that would be great in reining, but we can't
afford to send her to the trainers so we're doing it
ourselves. I've started her on it, spins, rollbacks, and
stops, but i was wondering if you had any helpful hints
that will get her to dig in and "sit" better. Thanks for
all your help!!!!!
Judge Anne Johnson's Reply
Hi Charity-
Conformation will determine how a horse can stop.
Generally this means you want strong loins, a long hip
and good hocks. So begin by observing how she stops
naturally on her own and what she's capable of doing.
You need arena footing and shoes that allow the horse to
stop correctly for reining. Visit with your farrier and
local trainers for suggestions.
Attend a reining show, ask lots of people about how to
train for a good stop and you'll get lots of different
answers! But there are some common basics. One, make
sure you are riding balanced and that she is moving
straight and balanced. Give your stop cues when the
leading leg is under her body and the hind legs are
suspended. I think backing her and immediately loping
her off in a collected fashion will help you get her
using her back and hindquarters but I wouldn't back her
after stops too much. It can take away from rewarding
her for a good stop and pretty soon, she'll back up when
you don't want her to. Don't over do and know that your
training can effectively progress a little at a time.
This can be a terrific learning experience for you and
your mare. If you have the opportunity, try taking a
lesson from a good reining trainer on one of their
Reining is rapidly growing just about everywhere.
There's a lot happening with it in the Arabian industry,
too. I happen to have my mare Bonita San Olena going to
the Scottsdale Half Arabian Reining Futurity in February
and there will be about 45 horses in that class alone.
She'll be shown by Randy Paul who just won the NRHA
Futurity in Oklahoma City. Now, I think that will be a
lot of fun! But it also shows a blending of interest
across the breeds.
Hope you have a lot of fun with your mare, too!
Anne Johnson
I have shown and
ridden for over 40 years. I graduated from the Morven
Park International Equestrian Institute in 1982. I am
working with 4-H now, and I feel I am fighting an uphill
battle, as the trend especially in quarter horses is to
four beat at the canter/lope. Please help me get the
word out. The canter/lope is a three beat not a four
beat gate. It sickens me to see these horses winning
championships when they are unable to do a correct lope.
The only way to change this trend is for judges to stop
placing these horses. Slow and collected is good,
disengaged and four beating is bad. Please help.
Vernette Ohlinger
Judge Anne Johnson's Reply
I'm with you 100%.
This year, I took two of my young students to the Paint
World Show in Ft. Worth. We were watching a western
pleasure class from the end of the arena. At the lope,
every horse was jammed up to go so slow the only way
they could even move was on a two track. Not one was
going straight, much less doing a true three beat lope.
It was obscene. These are terrific horses and they all
were asked to look crippled and lethargic. It's the
training, riding and judging.
People need to keep in mind what a western pleasure
horse is for....an enjoyable ride that will get you
somewhere. My goodness, if you were on a ranch riding
one of these, the cattle would die of old age and the
girl would be married off before you ever got there!
It's my opinion that a good share of the newer trainers
and owners have not had the opportunity for the
practical uses of horses and are more inclined to be
arena riders. Trends get started and the judging
perpetuates them. If you have a class of nothing but
four beaters or two trackers, you have to place them
unfortunately. I've attended judges seminars from a
variety of breed associations and every one of them tell
you not to use four beaters. Sometimes there's just a
politics, or no other choice the way it looks.
Recently, I spoke with one of the top trainers of AQHA
World Show western pleasure champions about this very
subject. He felt people were moving away from the four
beating, artificial trends and producing horses that
move. I hope so. At all levels, if just a few do it
right and win, it may change.
You've raised a terrific and frustrating question.
People at all levels need to take responsibility to be
better educated on this subject and get it right. Thank
you so much for opening up this topic.
Anne Johnson
I have a 7 year old Arabian
mare that I am training. I've had halter trained horses
before, but this is the first time I've attempted to
train one myself. I've gotten her to where she will set
up great, but I don't know how to keep her in that pose,
with her neck stretched out. Do you have any tips!?
Thanks for you time.
-Hannah and Kyrah
Judge Anne Johnson's Reply
Dear Hannah and
There is a process in training halter horses just as
there is for performance horses. Several steps are
involved and you make sure each one is solid before
going on to the next one. This is a bit over simplified
but might give you some ideas to work with:
1. Reinforce the "whoa" command . Whoa means whoa with no
extra steps or movement.
2. Teach her to plant her hind feet correctly and stay
there. To get the favored "split", walk her and watch
the footfall of the left hind foot. As it leaves the
ground and is arcing to land, say whoa. She'll plant it
and move the right hind forward one more stride.
3. When that's solid, give her the command to "step"
sideways with her front legs. This will move them out
from under her and get good body position. Moving the
horse forward will usually get them to start walking and
you loose everything.
4. Reinforce whoa.
5. By bumping upward on the halter, you'll set her back on
her hindquarters. Then get her attention for ears and
neck. Don't pull forward or stretch too much. She won't
tighten her back and the shoulders can appear straighter
than they are.
6. Lots of reward when she does it right! And quit when
you are ahead...don't over do it!
Anne Johnson
my name is Chalise and I was wondering what type of
braid would work well with a six year old Friesian? He
has a very long and wavy mane and tail but I was mainly
wondering if there would be any need to braid the tail
for barrel racing?
Thank You,
Judge Anne Johnson's Reply
Hi Chalise-
Friesians are so distinctive with those great manes and
tails! I can't think of a need to braid his tail unless
you were trying to grow more length. Or he was knocking
over barrels with it or stepping on it! I'd say, enjoy
his look unless it is somehow getting in your way, then
braid the tail and/or mane for safety.
Anne Johnson
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